Covenant Theological Seminary

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New Strategic Plan Guides Seminary’s Efforts to Train Next Generation of Church Leaders

Covenant Seminary is pleased to announce the implementation of a new strategic plan that will guide the institution’s ongoing efforts to train leaders for Christ’s church and kingdom. Titled “Centered on Christ’s Mission to Train the Next Generation,” the plan was adopted by the Seminary’s Board of Trustees in January 2024. Seminary President Rev. Dr. Thomas C. Gibbs presented the plan as part of his report to the Presbyterian Church in America’s (PCA) 51st General Assembly, held in Richmond, Virginia, June 10–14, 2024.

Growing in part from an earlier plan approved in 2021 and informed by a two-year period of institutional self-evaluation and reflection, the new strategic plan aims to further advance the Seminary’s theological training mission and steward well its relationship with our denomination and other partners in the face of rapidly changing social, economic, and educational dynamics and demographics. The plan incorporates insights and feedback gained from extensive dialogue between faculty, staff, students, board, and alumni from various periods of the school’s history, as well as with denominational leaders, agencies, committees, and ministry partners.

The resulting plan identifies six strategic priorities, or “pillars,” that align closely with the Seminary’s mission statement and core institutional values. Those six pillars, as summarized from the plan, are:

  • Prioritize Pastor-Minded Students – As we have since our founding in 1956, Covenant Seminary will continue working to train pastors for Christ’s church who are faithful to the Scriptures, true to our Reformed Confession, and obedient to the Great Commission.

  • Strengthen Theological Preparedness – This pillar is meant to further strengthen the efficacy of our theological training for students in general and for pastors in particular by focusing and aligning our theological formation efforts across the institution.

  • Renew Focus on Spiritual Formation – Within the broad area of spirituality, the Seminary will prioritize the elements of spiritual formation essential to all believers and especially those foundational for individuals called to lead others in ministry.

  • Strengthen Local, Intercultural, and Global Mission – This pillar aims to guide the Seminary’s goal to be reflective of and better equipped to serve God’s kingdom, consisting of every tongue, tribe, and nation both locally and globally.

  • Steward Relationship with the PCA – As the denominational seminary of the PCA, Covenant has long enjoyed a rich partnership with the denomination. Now more than ever, we must take intentional steps to ensure that this partnership remains strong.

  • Foster Financial Sustainability – As the Seminary makes progress on its enrollment challenges, it must carefully steward increased revenue, calibrating our finances with clear goals that promote prudent financial discipline.

More details about the plan and the Seminary’s progress in implementing it will be made available in the coming weeks. A copy of the full plan is available for download here.

In commenting on the plan, President Tom Gibbs noted, “We are grateful for God’s provision for the Seminary over the last few years as he has enabled us to navigate the challenges of the current cultural moment and seek his will for Covenant’s future. We are thankful as well for the support of our Board of Trustees and their recent adoption of this new Strategic Plan. May the Lord’s hand be on us all and guide us in steadfast devotion to him and his kingdom purposes as we serve and partner with our sister denominational agencies and committees to train the next generation of pastors, counselors, and other ministry leaders for the PCA and beyond.”

Covenant Seminary Board Chair Rev. Hugh Barlett said, “As Covenant works to build on its solid foundation of faithful ministry training, this new strategic plan will provide a helpful framework for facing the challenges before us in innovative ways that are both fresh and consistent with our strong Reformed heritage. Reexamining and reemphasizing our institutional priorities in light of the needs of today’s world has led us to develop a plan that will enable us to be even more effective at our mission. We praise God for his past and present mercies and ask his blessing on the future of Covenant and our denomination.”