Legal Information
Covenant Theological Seminary is committed to effective education and preparation for a variety of Christian ministries locally, nationally, and globally. The Seminary has conferred 5,105 master’s and doctoral degrees on 4,983 alumni. These men and women have served in all 50 states and over 100 countries in a variety of vocational and non-vocational ministry positions, including: senior or solo pastors, associate or assistant pastors, youth or campus ministers, directors of local church and parachurch ministries, church lay leaders, counselors, chaplains, translators, educators, missionaries, business owners, community and political leaders, film makers, homemakers, writers, military and law-enforcement officers, medical professionals, lawyers, artists, financial managers, and in many other Christ-centered and God-honoring ways. In addition to our master’s and doctoral alumni, more than 6,828 other alumni have grown in and through our courses, many of them earning certificates, over the past 60 years. Together, our alumni body is over 11,811 members strong.
Our effectiveness is evidenced by the fact that, by God’s grace, the placement rate within twelve months of graduation for our Master of Divinity graduates seeking ministry positions with the Seminary’s recommendation has been consistently high, more than 94.49% cumulatively for the past 10 years, with most graduates entering full-time church leadership. The placement rate for MDiv graduates as reported to ATS in the 2023–2024 survey year for the graduating class of 2023 is 95%.
Placement for all master’s degrees, as reported to ATS in 2023–2024 survey year for the graduating class of 2023 are:
MDIV: 95% (95% vocational placement)
MAC: 100% (100% vocational placement)
MATS: over 99% (over 99% vocational placement)
MABTS: over 99% (75% vocational placement; 25% other placement)
MAM: over 99% (over 99% vocational placement)
MAMT (admission to this degree has been discontinued): over 99% (over 99% vocational placement)
Vocational placement is any profession, vocation, or work—paid or unpaid—that naturally results from and logically flows out of study in the particular field. Non-vocational placement is any other profession, vocation, or work—paid or unpaid—that falls outside a natural and logical progression of education-to-employment track. Non-vocational placement does not imply that these individuals could not be placed vocationally, nor does it imply that non-vocational placement was a substitute for professional and vocational pursuits.
This placement rate builds upon the student experience in the classroom and community. Student satisfaction surveys reveal the following about the student experience at Covenant Seminary related to our mission.
97.6% of students are satisfied that they have grown in their personal understanding of God’s grace and in their ability to relate to others with respect, sensitivity and Christ-like love.
89.3% of students are satisfied that they have grown in their ability to minister God’s Word and articulate it clearly.
92.9% of students would commend their experience at Covenant Seminary to others.
Click here for retention and completion data.
Covenant Theological Seminary is incorporated in the state of Missouri with full authority to grant academic degreess.
Covenant Theological Seminary is accredited by the Commission on Accrediting of the Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada (ATS), with the following degree programs approved: Master of Divinity (MDiv), MA (Biblical and Theological Studies) (MABTS), MA in Ministry (MAM), MA (Theological Studies) (MATS), MA in Counseling (MAC), Master of Theology (ThM), and Doctor of Ministry (DMin); and with teach out programs in the following degree: MA in Missional Theology (MAMT), The Seminary is approved for a Comprehensive Distance Education Program.
The Commission contact information is: The Commission on Accrediting of the Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada, 10 Summit Park Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15275, USA. Telephone: 412.788.6505; Fax: 412.788.6510; Website:
The Seminary is also accredited by The Higher Learning Commission (HLC). The institution has been approved under Commission policy to offer all its degree programs. Contact: Higher Learning Commission, 230 South LaSalle Street, Suite 7-500, Chicago, IL 60604, USA. Telephone: 800.621.7440, Website:
Covenant Theological Seminary has been approved by Missouri to participate in the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements. NC-SARA is a voluntary, regional approach to state oversight of postsecondary distance education.
Covenant Seminary’s 75-credit hour Master of Arts in Counseling is fully accredited by CACREP (Council for the Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs). Students who have graduated with the 75-credit hour degree (since 2022) can enjoy the portability of a CACREP counseling degree when seeking licensure in states other than Missouri.
Covenant Theological Seminary is authorized by the Washington Student Achievement Council and meets the requirements and minimum educational standards established for degree-granting institutions under the Degree-Granting Institutions Act. This authorization is subject to periodic review and authorizes Covenant Theological Seminary to offer specific degree programs. The Council may be contacted for a list of currently authorized programs. Authorization by the Council does not carry with it an endorsement by the Council of the institution or its programs. Any person desiring information about the requirements of the act or the applicability of those requirements to the institution may contact the Council at P.O. Box 43430, Olympia, Washington 98504-3430 or by email at
The Washington Student Achievement Council (WSAC) has authority to investigate student complaints against specific schools. WSAC may not be able to investigate every student complaint. Visit for information regarding the WSAC complaint process.
The transferability of credits earned at Covenant Theological Seminary is at the discretion of the receiving college, university, or other educational institution. Students considering transferring to any institution should not assume that credits earned in any program of study at Covenant Theological Seminary will be accepted by the receiving institution. Similarly, the ability of a degree, certificate, diploma, or other academic credential earned at Covenant Theological Seminary to satisfy an admission requirement of another institution is at the discretion of the receiving institution. Accreditation does not guarantee credentials or credits earned at Covenant Theological Seminary will be accepted by or transferred to another institution. To minimize the risk of having to repeat coursework, students should contact the receiving institution in advance for evaluation and determination of transferability of credits and/or acceptability of degrees, diplomas, or certificates earned.
For questions regarding the Seminary’s accreditation, please contact Shannon Hathaway, Director of Accreditation Services, at or 314.434.4044.
Department of Education Compliance
Covenant Theological Seminary is actively pursuing compliance with the Department of Education regarding best practices and policies related to its degree offerings. Should an issue arise we wish to deal with it in a fair and judicious manner.
Accreditation policy grievances may be reported to Shannon Hathaway, Director of Accreditation Services, at or 314.434.4044.
Dr. Tom Gibbs
Vice President of Academics
Dr. Jay Sklar
Vice President of Business & Finance
Jason Robey
Since 1956 Covenant Theological Seminary has been training men and women for the work of ministry. In 1982 Covenant Seminary became the denominational seminary of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA). While serving students from a variety of denominations and church affiliations, Covenant Seminary is to-date the largest supplier of pastors into the PCA. Covenant Seminary is the only seminary whose board of directors is approved by the General Assembly of the PCA and made up of ruling and teaching elders from across the denomination. We are thankful for the PCA’s history of pursuit of the gospel and commitment to the education of sound doctrine for its leaders, with which we have been entrusted.
Covenant Theological Seminary does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, gender or disability in admission to or employment in its educational programs or activities except as required by the doctrinal standards of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA).
The following people have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies:
Jason Robey, Title IX Coordinator
Title IX of the Education Amendment of 1972 (gender)
12330 Conway Road, St. Louis, MO 63141 | 314.434.4044 x4053
Cesar Perez, Director of Financial Aid
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (race, color, national origin)
12330 Conway Road St. Louis, MO 63141 | 314.434.4044 x4033
Betsy Gasoske, Registrar
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (disabilities)
Age Discrimination Act of 1975
12330 Conway Road St. Louis, MO 63141 | 314.434.4044 x4025
Inquiries regarding the application of non-discrimination policies may also be directed to:
Mark McElmurry, Dean of Students
12330 Conway Road, St. Louis, MO 63141 | 314.434.4044 x4153
Jay Sklar, Vice President of Academics
Full-time Faculty
12330 Conway Road, St. Louis, MO 63141 | 314.434.4044 x4234
Jessie Swigart, Dean of Academic Administration
Adjunct Professors and Visiting Instructors
12330 Conway Road, St. Louis, MO 63141 | 314.434.4044 x4216
Diversity Statement
Covenant Seminary’s commitment to the Bible, the Reformed faith, and the Great Commission means our students and graduates are guided by an uncompromising allegiance to the comprehensive truth and authority of God’s inerrant Word. It is to that Word that we gladly look for direction on how to think well about diversity. In doing so, we see that the Bible gives a foundation for the discussion, that it speaks of various types of diversity, and that it looks forward to a day of perfect unity in diversity.
Read the full diversity statement here.
Accessibility Statement
Covenant Seminary desires for people with disabilities to participate fully in our educational community, that we all may be edified together in Christ. To ensure opportunity to demonstrate learning, as well as access to resources, students with disabilities should contact the Registrar at as soon as possible before classes begin. The Registrar will advise the student on disability verification and discuss any accommodations necessary to ensure full participation in class, equitable access to resources, and successful completion of course requirements. All students requesting accommodations must provide the Registrar with evidence of professional evaluation of the disability, including specified assistance requirements.
Covenant Seminary provides designated parking spaces and open access to campus facilities for people with disabilities. Students may make special seating arrangements through the Registrar's office. Further, if any other barriers inhibit a student from integrating into academic or community life, he/she should contract the Registrar.
Covenant Seminary has been approved to enroll students eligible to receive Veteran Education Benefits. Information on the terms of veteran enrollment, certification, progress, etc., can be obtained through the Lead Student Advisor, who handles all veterans’ benefits for the Seminary. Per federal regulation, veterans receiving veteran’s benefits will be allowed to register and begin courses without VA payment. No denial of access to classes, library or other institutional facilities will be enacted. No late fees will be assessed to the veteran for delays in VA payment. NO VETERAN WILL BE REQUIRED TO BORROW ADDITIONAL FUNDS TO MEET THE CHARGES THE VA SHOULD BE PAYING (NO MATTER HOW LATE THE VA PAYMENT ARRIVES).
The information contained on this Web site is provided as a public service, with the understanding that Covenant Theological Seminary makes no warranties, either expressed or implied, concerning the accuracy, completeness, reliability, or suitability of the information. Links to other Internet sites are provided solely for the convenience of those visiting the Covenant Seminary site and should not necessarily be construed as an endorsement of any or all outside sites linked.
Unless otherwise indicated all Scripture quotations are taken from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®, copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Any students who have complaints regarding their education at Covenant Seminary should first direct their complaints to the appropriate person at the Seminary. If you are unable to resolve the issue, you may contact the appropriate office based upon the state in which you live.
The state of Missouri also gives further information about making complaints here.
Online students who have followed Covenant’s normal complaint policy but are not satisfied with the result, may appeal to the State Portal Agent at the Missouri Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development at the following link:
Campus Safety and Fire Report – 2024
Download the Student Loan Code of Conduct
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Covenant Theological Seminary
12330 Conway Road
St. Louis, Missouri 63141 314.434.4044
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If you have concerns or additional questions about this information policy, you may contact us at the above addresses or phone number.
Covenant Theological Seminary’s Student Handbook provides students with all its policies and procedures, including institutional policies regarding refunds, transfer credit, and student conduct. Students are expected to read and comply with the contents of this document.
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