Invest in the future of the church

As our leaders go, so goes our church. The future of our churches and ministries depends on training biblically-faithful pastors, counselors, and ministry leaders today. This is the heart of the mission of Covenant Seminary. Through supporting seminary education you can give the future church the capable leadership it deserves.


An impact for a lifetime

Your gifts have an impact on the church of tomorrow. Through your support:

A group of students discussing theology on campus

Students who could not afford seminary can get a rich theological education.

Covenant Theological Seminary Graduates

Pastors, counselors, and ministry leaders can enter ministry without crippling debt.

A professor meeting with a student in his office

Biblically-faithful courses can be delivered around the world to others who cannot afford seminary.

A world map showing where Covenant Seminary Alumni are working

How do you change the world? You train a pastor.

  • 5,000+ Alumni

  • Across 65+ years

  • Sent out to 50 states

  • and 51 countries.

Ways To Give

  • Give by Credit Card

    The easiest way to give online.

  • Give by Check

    Mail a check from wherever you are.

  • Gifts of Stock

    Donate via electronic transfer.

  • Matching gifts

    Contact us to determine if your company will match gifts.

  • Bequests

    Give through your estate.

  • Annuities + Charitable Trusts

    Draw income throughout your life while receiving tax benefits.

Need help?

Unsure where to give, or which approach is best? Contact us and we will be glad to help. We will create a personalized giving plan that matches your giving desires with real ministry needs.


314.434.4044 or 1.800.264.8064


  • James Dickson

    VIce President of Advancement

  • Deena Stuart

    Director of Legacy Gifts

  • Travis Stewart

    Director of Development

  • Drew Vining

    Associate Director of Donor Relations
    Campaign Manager

  • Aaron Vossen

    Aaron Vossen

    Major Gifts Officer

  • Shirley Williams

    Development Data Coordinator

 Gifts Made By Check

  • Please make checks payable to Covenant Theological Seminary, and send to the address below. Include the gift designation.

    Covenant Theological Seminary
    Development Office
    12330 Conway Road Saint Louis, MO 63141

  • When mailed, the gift date of a donation made by check is the date postmarked on the envelope by the post office, not the date we receive it in office.

  • When hand delivered, the gift date of a donation made by check is the date when the check is physically delivered to the institution.


Gifts of stock – electronic transfers

  • Stock transfers are to be made to:
    Charles Schwab
    DTC#: 0164
    CTS Acct#: 6858-0475

  • The gift date of a donation made by electronic transfer of stock is the date of transfer to the institution (the date Covenant Seminary receives the funds from the broker).

[Covenant Seminary EIN#: 43-0863116]