Phone: 314.392.4020
Email: Email Nate
Admissions Recruiter
Nate grew up and went to elementary school in the Northern Virginia Suburbs of Washington D.C. but moved to St. Louis for middle and high school, attending Twin Oaks Presbyterian Church. He is the 22nd person in his extended family to have graduated from Wheaton College, earning a B.S. in Computer Science. After Wheaton, Nate worked in consulting and sales and relationship management in Maine and St. Louis prior to coming to Covenant Seminary for his MDiv. While a student at Covenant, Nate worked in Student Ministry at the Kirk of the Hills Presbyterian Church.
Nate loves training for and running marathons, playing tennis, waterskiing, hiking, backpacking, camping, using the triple word score in Scrabble, spending time with family and friends, and drinking lots of coffee.