MAC Practicum Info Meeting #3 – Zoom
This is a mandatory meeting for students starting practicum this summer. We will review practicum details for the last time officially before orientation on June 4!
Join us for one of the following options:
Friday, April 1 (in-person), 12:30 – 1:30 p.m. / F340
Monday, April 4 (Zoom), 12:30 – 1:30 p.m.
Questions? Contact Ayla McNeely at
MAC Practicum Info Meeting #3 – In Person
This is a mandatory meeting for students starting practicum this summer. We will review practicum details for the last time officially before orientation on June 4!
Join us for one of the following options:
Friday, April 1 (in-person), 12:30 – 1:30 p.m. / F340
Monday, April 4 (Zoom), 12:30 – 1:30 p.m.
Questions? Contact Ayla McNeely at
MAC Coffee & Coloring Hang-Out
Join us for space to connect and hang with your classmates. Drop-in for caffeine and carbs (that’s right, bagels!) to get through your Friday. Cozy up in a corner to color, chat about life, or ask questions about practicum and internship.
Questions? Contact Ayla McNeely at
New MAC Degree vs. Current 75-Hour Degree – informational Meeting
Join us as we explain the new degree changes and answer any questions you might have.
Questions? Contact Ayla McNeely at
Women’s Fellowship Dinner – CANCELLED
Hosted by: CTS Faculty Wives and Female Faculty
Ladies of Covenant—including wives of students as well as women students—join us at the home of President Tom and Mrs. Tara Gibbs for a time of fellowship, connection, and encouragement with our Faculty Wives and Female Faculty! Dinner will be provided.
Need a Ride? Transportation from campus can also be provided. Those taking the Women in Ministries Course will be back in time for class to begin.
Childcare available if that need poses a barrier to attendance, RSVP for CHILDCARE HERE.