Presbyterion Fall 2022 – Digital Download


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208 pages of biblical and theological content.

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Purchase a digital copy of Presbyterion Fall 2022. Volume XLVIII. Number 2.

208 pages of biblical and theological content.

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Purchase a digital copy of Presbyterion Fall 2022. Volume XLVIII. Number 2.

208 pages of biblical and theological content.

You can also purchase a physical copy.

Featured Articles:

Liberty of Conscience
by William S. Barker

Eyewitnesses of His Majesty: Point of View in Mark 9:1–29
by Oleksander Bychkov

Exegetical Response to William Lane Craig, In Quest of the Historical Adam
by C. John Collins

Birth from Barrenness as Resurrection from Death: Typological Structures in Genesis
by Thomas J. Sculthorpe

Exile, Suffering, and Holiness: The Use of Psalm 34 in 1 Peter
by Brett McDonald

Isaiah 24:18b–23 and Eschatology: An Amillennial Reading
by Jonathan Menn

Further Reflections on Calvin and Prayer
by Jerry Robert Robbins

A Response to Marjorie Cooper’s Disruptive Speech View of 1 Corinthians 14:34–35
by Zachary M. Garris

Short Contribution

A Librarian’s Comments on Commentaries 48: Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon, and a Job Comment
by James C. Pakala

Book Reviews

James M. Hamilton Jr., Typology—Understanding the Bible’s Promise-Shaped Patterns: How Old Testament Expectations are Fulfilled in Christ
by Aaron Goldstein

T. Desmond Alexander, Face to Face with God: A Biblical Theology of Christ as Priest and Mediator
by Robert G. Rayburn II

Michael Graves, How Scripture Interprets Scripture: What Biblical Writers Can Teach Us about the Bible
by Thomas J. Sculthorpe

Brent E. Parker & Richard J. Lucas, eds., Covenantal and Dispensational Theologies: Four Views on the Continuity of Scripture
by Brian C. Dennert

Sheldon W. Liebman, The Evolution of Love: Theology and Morality in Ancient Judaism
by Alex Moore

Walter T. Wilson, Ancient Wisdom: An Introduction to Sayings Collections
by Garrett S. Craig

John Goldingay, The Book of Lamentations, NICOT
by Corinne Smith

Bruce Waltke & Ivan D. V. De Silva, Proverbs: A Shorter Commentary
by Victoria K. Tatko

Eric J. Tully, Reading the Prophets as Christian Scripture: A Literary, Canonical, and Theological Survey
by Siru Sun

Rodney A. Whiteacre, A Grammar of New Testament Greek
by Alissa A. R. Cline

Robert Rollock, Commentary on the Epistle of St. Paul the Apostle to the Ephesians, trans. and ed. by Casey Carmichael
by James A. Thomson

Constantine R. Campbell & Jonathan Pennington, Reading the New Testament as Christian Scripture: A Literary, Canonical, and Theological Survey
by Evan Tinklenberg

Gerald Bray, How the Church Fathers Read the Bible: A Short Introduction
by Anthony S. G. Baldwin

Justo González, The Bible in the Early Church
by Zachary Hedges

Andrew Pettegree, Brand Luther: 1517, Printing, and the Making of the Reformation
by Jeb Ralston

Scott M. Manetsch, Calvin’s Company of Pastors: Pastoral Care and the Emerging Reformed Church, 1536–1609
by Jeb Ralston

Hugh Binning, The Works of Hugh Binning, edited by M. Leishman
by James A. Thomson

Robert M. Copeland & D. Ray Wilcox, A Candle against the Dark: Reformed Presbyterians and the Struggle against Slavery in the United States
by Andrew C. Stout

J. Cameron Fraser, Missionary Baptism and Evangelical Unity: An Historical, Theological, Pastoral Inquiry
by Michael W. Honeycutt

Tim Perry, Funerals: For the Care of Souls
by David E. Cox

Wendy Cadge & Shelly Rambo, eds., Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care in the Twenty-First Century
by James C. Pakala